This package allows you to parse entire folders of non-rectangular ‘xlsx’ files into a single rectangular and tidy ‘data.frame’ based on a custom template file defining the column names of the output.
You can install the latest stable version of this package from CRAN:
or the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
Non-rectangular excel files are common in many domains. For a simple demonstration here, we use the example of the “Blue timesheet” from, where employees can log their working hours.
A typical use case of xlcutter in this example would be for a manager who want to get a single rectangular dataset with the timesheets from different employees.

Screenshot of timesheets from two fictitious employees
Your first step to extract the data is to define the various columns you want in the output in a template file. You can mark the data cells to extract with any custom marker, with the default being {{ column_name }}

Screenshot of a template for the timesheet example
data_files <- list.files(
system.file("example", "timesheet", package = "xlcutter"),
pattern = "\\.xlsx$",
full.names = TRUE
template_file <- system.file(
"example", "timesheet_template.xlsx",
package = "xlcutter"
#> employee_firstname contract_hours employee_lastname realised_hours
#> 1 Leon 35 Bedu 29.00
#> 2 Paul 35 Dupont 35.00
#> 3 Marianne 35 Lebrun 36.25
#> manager_firstname manager_lastname period_start period_end
#> 1 <NA> Dubois 2022-01-03 2022-01-07
#> 2 Lydia Dubois 2022-01-03 2022-01-07
#> 3 Lydia Dubois 2022-01-03 2022-01-07